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Maurizio Mastrini

Guest Artist, Piano

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Maurizio Mastrini Italy

Maurizio Mastrini is one of the best pianist and uncontaminated composer of the international musical and instrumental panorama. He came to the fore these last two years because he plays famous classical masterpieces starting from the last note backward to the first. The musical result is astonishing and the audience can listen to a new piece having the same notes of the original one, but played backwards. His musical creativity has his roots in the retreat in Umbria where he lives, far away from the frantic rhythms of daily life routine. This is exactly what makes him uncontaminated in his compositions and full of emotions that he transmits through his works. He has been defined a “wild heart” for his way of living and being a little bit solitary but with a heart that, when he plays, expresses a world of emotions. His compositions are the link between the traditional standards of music and the new Contemporary Classical Music, thanks to a cultured and emotional research, that fuses itself, in some parts to dodecaphony, leaving aside the harmonic hardness of this latter. Many of his works are minimalist compositions, others show a mathematical conception, other are constituted by very few notes “… even just few notes may move a person to tears” says the maestro, other compositions have instead such abundance of sounds that they sound like an orchestra”. The most recent comments about him:

“Maurizio is extraordinary” Steve Orchard, sound engineer of the Air Studios in London,winner of a Grammy Award (for a Béla Fleck album)

“A little bit crazy and a little bit genius: but the genius is 80% …”Corrado Canonici, double bass player, World Concert Artists agent, London

“Phenomenal pianist” Margherita Ferrandino, RAI journalist

“Mastrini: madness and brilliance to its pure essence … fantastic!!” Federico Taddia, RADIORAI speaker

“Maurizio Mastrini is a genius!” Michele Cucuzza, RAI journalist

“Mastrini represents one of the best international music talents” Fabrizio Frizzi, RAI TV presenter Etc.

“Newspaper articles published about him by: Corriere della sera, Repubblica, Il Giornale, La Nazione, Il Messaggero, Focus, l’Espresso, etc.

He has been the music guest in the following channels: RAIUNO, RAIDUE, RAITRE, ITALIA 1, CANALE 5, RETE 4, DEUTSCHEWELLEENGLISH,BBC, RADIORAI, Etc. His world tour will bring him in the most important cities of the world. Maurizio Mastrini graduated at the music conservatory “F. Morlacchi” in Perugia while studying with Maestro Vincenzo Vitale. He expresses his highest artistic expression playing the piano, though he is also a composer and director. Born in Panicale, a small village in Umbria, from very young parents (his father was 18 and his mother 16). His father perceives he is a boy out-of-the-common when he discovers him, at the age of 7 or 8 years old, playing rudimentary drums built with empty paint tins used by his father for mechanic constructions. His father brings him to a music teacher, who soon understands the talent of the young boy and suggests him to go to the conservatory. Maurizio starts playing the piano and he is soon considered a child prodigy. He wins several national and international music contests. He starts touring around the world and makes CD recordings for AZZURRA label that sell incredibly well throughout the world. Particulary important is the Cd collection “Storia della Musica – Capolavori” (History of music – the masterpieces) distributed by Ricordi where Maestro Riccardo Allorto chooses to put together in the same CD A.Rubinstein and M. Mastrini, this latter playing R.Schumann Phantasiestucke in C flat. His record production includes: “I Miei Romantici, vol.1”,“Sogno D’Amore”,“Sacro & Profano”, “I miei Classici”published by “Progetti Sonori” particularly interesting because Maurizio Mastrini is the first pianist to record the first works of the classical authors such as Mozart, Beethoven, etc.; Love Music, Classic Music For Christmas, “Le Musiche dello Zodiaco”, “Love Piano”. He composes a Mass in Latin at the age of 14, an opera, an Ave Maria and many other compositions, some of which he starts playing during his concerts.

His many tours bring him to Iceland, Denmark, Turkey, France, England, Netherlands, the U.S.A., Spain, The Czech Republic. He held concerts in prestigious towns such as: Dijon, Basil, Cincinnati, London, Inverness, Paris, Verona, Rome, Besancon, Perugia, Milan, Messina, Reykjavík. He made video recordings for Italian RAI, Swiss radio and television, BBC, ABC, Mediaset.The teachers that mostly influenced him are Vincenzo Vitale,Don Mario Venturi and Winjand va De Pol. Meanwhile he founds and directs one of the most valued music schools in Europe “Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Musicale” (National Academy of Musical Arts) where, alongside with the music classes, he adds courses for pre-school children so to bring them close to music in an active way with solfeggio and playing the instrument thanks to the Pentamano system, that he invented himself.He wrote several didactic books as: “La tecnica del pianista contemporaneo”, “Mastro solfeggio”, “Mastrini piano”, collections of 4-hands pieces, etc.

He directs the Royal Academy of Music Art from 1994 to 2002. Starting from 1998 he puts up short operas as: Mozart’s “La finta semplice”, A. Scarlatti’s “Il trionfo dell’onore”, D. Cimarosa’s “Il marito disperato”, A. Salieri 2Falstaff”, Donizetti “Giovedi Grasso” and “Il Campanello”. He starts playing his own compositions together with pieces by Chopin, Liszt, Brahms, Beethoven, Scarlatti. The reactions of the surprised public is so positive that he starts giving concerts playing only his music and obtaining a great success. The critics have defined him “a great technician with a sublime sensibility”. He then offers his creativity to the company he founds thereafter: Mastrini Production & Communication, that works in the field of musicals, tv productions, communication and marketing. Some of the best productions are: VIP MOBILE a company for phone services Canale 5, Italia 1,MTV, All Music; Dindo Mobile a company for phone services Canale 5, Italia 1, MTV, All Music.

Maurizio Mastrini has conceived and implemented for the TV circuit Cinque Stelle 3 editions of the musical programme “Musica Maestro” and two editions of “Palcoscenico Aperto”,“Il Diavolo e l’Acqua Santa”. He created the tv formats “Drin Game”, “L’Autostop”, “Tutti a sCQuola”, “Un biglietto per due”. He produced the fiction “Oltre la collina” (“Beyond the hill”) chosen and awarded a special mention for merit at “Romafictionfest 2009”. He is the author of the soundtrack of “Così fan tutte” sit-com broadcasted by Mediaset. Maurizio manages anyway to find the right balance between business and private life, that he spends in his retreat in the Umbrian countryside. From 1992 he is the artistic director of the following music festivals: Piano festival in Verneuil en Halatte (France), Ross Shire Music (Scotland) and of the youth orchestra Malden Young Strings, Reykjavík Song Skolinn. He is the manager of the festival and the musical contest “Città di Folgaria Musica & Neve” from 1993 to 2003 and is the artistic director of the international festival “Euritmia Sonora”and of the international music contest “M. Petri” in Città della Pieve (PG), “Città di Marsciano” (PG) and is the founder of the music festival “Mosaico Sonoro” of Panicale. He composes several works for RAI such as theme songs, musical arrangements for the series of twenty-seven episodes “favolando Favolando” broadcasted by RAI Stereo Due. He wrote the musics for “UNO MATTINA” RAI UNO. He worked as musical consultant for the TMC tv programme “Zap Zap Tv” in 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. He was the musical consultant for “UNOMATTINA” since 1996 and from 1999 to 2003 of the programme “I FATTI VOSTRI” RAIDUE.

n 2001 he composed the shortest opera in the world “Il Bacio”(the Kiss) on a text by Sergio Tasso, length 3 minutes and 20 seconds that will be inserted in the world Guinness. The opera will have its premiere in 2011. His style highlights in a very clear way the basic elements of his language cultured and complex, but emotional and immediate at the same time. His concerts raise increasing attention and enthusiasm in Italy, but the consecration as composer of international height arrives in 2009 with the album “Il Mio Mondo al Contrario” (“My world to the Reverse”) where Mastrini plays classical masterpieces and original compositions backwards,that is starting form the last note backward to the first. He is inspired by an endless research and experimentations of new musical frontiers. The musical result is surprising. He draws the attention of the media that range him among the most talented and amazing world contemporary pianists.

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